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Friday, 31 January 2014

It is up to the parent, care-giver or teacher to spot signs of a child having trouble in his vision. This includes noticing minor tell-tale signs like if your child sits too close to the TV screen or if he squints while reading.

The pediatric ophthalmologists at Vista Eye Specialists, VA recommend regular check-ups for your child. These doctors at Vista Eye are trained specialists who deal compassionately and patiently with young children without intimidating them. They use state-of-the-art technology to assess the fixation response of the child, assess the way the pupils are working and the alignment of the eyes. A retinoscope is used by the specialists to tell if the child is nearsighted, farsighted or has astigmatism.

The earlier the vision problem is identified there less chances are that your child’s development and education will be affected. As a parent or primary care-giver, be alert to your child squinting. Squeezing ones eyes reduces the size of the blurred image on the back of the retina and temporarily improves vision. If your catch your child doing so, this might be a warning sign that he is compensating for poor vision.

If your child tilts his head, loses his place while reading, or skips sentences in a book, it may be a sign that he suffers from eye muscle imbalance or strabismus. Sitting very close to the television or holding a book to close to ones eyes is often a sign of nearsightedness.

A child who covers one eye to read may be suffering from a vision problem in one eye which can result in amblyopia. Covering one eye can also be a sign of double vision caused by strabismus or even a cataract.

If you notice your young ones eyes tearing too often he may have lag ophthalmus. When the eyes do not completely shut while sleeping, they dry out. This may result in excessive tearing during the day and create problems in vision. Also, if a child rubs his eyes excessively, it may be because of eye fatigue or allergic conjunctivitis.

Call Vista Eye Specialists to make an appointment with our team of professional and friendly pediatric ophthalmologists and ensure the protection and wellbeing of your child’s vision.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Reading into the wee hours of the night in the soft glow of your bedside lamp is something most people enjoy after a long day but after a while one feels a strain on the eyes. Many children too, read under the covers in the beam of a torch when sleep evades them, but parents keep rebuking them to go to sleep and warn them that their eye sight will be harmed.

Even though one might experience a difficulty in focusing, decrease in the rate of blinking, redness, dryness and stress after reading in sub-optimal lighting but these effects are not permanent.
In 2007, a study, published in the British Medical Journal, revealed that reading in low light does not damage eyes, but rather just causes eye strain. Following this, ‘reading in dim light ruins eyesight’ was named a medical myth.

Even though, the experts at Vista Eye Specialists, VA strongly recommend using proper lighting while reading but validate that reading continuously in dim light may result in short-term eye fatigue, but there is no scientific evidence that reading in the dark does any long-term harm to your eyes.
The temporary drying of eyes caused due to less blinking while reading in faint light causes discomfort but wont damage the structure or function of the eyes. Our team of ophthalmologists at Vista Eye Specialists,Culpeper and Fredericksburg will prescribe over-the-counter lubricating drops to ease the discomfort.

Feel free to contact Vista Eye Specialists’ friendly and professional team on 888-393-5264 for an appointment for any eye-sight related health concerns

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Your diet and lifestyle can help ward off the onset of many diseases—every wise person knows that. But those who eat healthy do so particularly keeping in mind the health of the heart, brain and bones.

Vista Eye Specialists urge not to take the well being of your eye for granted and thus promotes eating healthy food which protects your vision.

It’s a well known fact that Beta-carotene found in carrots and other orange-colored fruits and vegetables like squash, apricots and pumpkin helps the retina and other parts of the eye to function smoothly. Beta-carotene is a precursor of vitamin A, which also aids the eyes to adjust to low levels of light at night.

Apart from the eye-friendly Beta-carotene, several vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy eyes. You’ll be surprised to know that these foods are not expensive or exclusive and making a conscious to incorporate them as part of your meals will help you safeguard your vision and your family’s.

Greens like spinach, kale, and collards and egg yolks contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which prevent the development of macular degeneration and cataracts. Lutein and zeaxanthin are pigments in the back part of the eye and keeping that part well nourished helps maintain normal physiology at the back of the eye.

Sea food like salmon, tuna, and other oily fish have DHA and EPA, the two omega-3 fatty acids which helps lower the odds of developing the advanced form of age related macular degeneration (AMD).

Wheat and nuts contain zinc protecting against macular degeneration and night blindness. Enjoying vitamin-C laden citrus, berries, peppers, tropical fruits, potatoes and a handful of Vitamin-E packed almonds as snacks instead of junk food also combats the risk of age-related vision problems like macular degeneration and cataracts.

Vista Eye Specialists believes that being proactive as far as your eye health goes, is always the smart thing to do. At Vista Eye we educate our patients that a well-balanced diet lowers the chance to fall victim to obesity-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes which is the prime cause of blindness in adults.

A healthy diet, accompanied by regular eye checkups by the professional team of ophthalmologists at Vista Eye Specialists, Culpeper and Fredericksburg, can help prevent and identify eye problems in early stages before they get complex.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

It’s common enough to feel your eyes water when you are outdoors for a long time in the cold winters. This is because the harsh winter wind has dried them out and our eyes begin to overproduce tears due to excessive dryness.

Those who suffer from dry eyes throughout the year, feel this discomfort intensely this time of the year due to lower humidity. Dry eye are a result of exposure to harsh wind and sunlight, dirt and grit. Less tear production with age, abnormalities in the eyelids and dry environments lead to this phenomenon. People with severe dry eyes suffer from pain, redness, decreased vision and foreign body sensation.

The experts at Vista Eye Specialists, VA suggest that because central heating in winters robs the atmosphere of moisture, thus using a humidifier in the rooms you occupy is a smart option as it helps restore the humidity to a healthy level.

If you experience dry eyes don’t hesitate to make a vision examination appointment with the ophthalmologists at Vista Eye Specialists, Culpeper and Fredericksburg. Our state-of-the-art facilities help carry out a series of tests to determine quality and quantity of tear production in your eyes.

The team of professional ophthalmologists at Vista Eye Specialists, VA will also prescribe eye drops to help address redness in the eyes, artificial tears or a lubricating ointment at bedtime to keep your eyes adequately moisturized. We also suggest that patients wear sunglasses as protection against cold, dry wind and the winter sun and avoid prolonged activities that cause strain in the eyes.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Summer might be synonymous with the searing heat, the blazing sun and donning fabulous designer sunglasses while lazing on the beach, however, wearing sunglasses outdoors is important all the year around. The sun might not seem as intense or as hot in the winter and people make the mistake of not paying heed to wearing protective sunglasses. But the experts at Vista Eye Specialists, VA exhort that sunglasses be worn—come summer or winter.

Whether you go outdoors for a short period and even more so when you are out for a longer time span like for sporting events, exposure to the winter sun can damage various layers of the eye.

Infact, during the snowy season, the winter sun is lower in the sky and at a different angle, exposing your eyes to more of the sun’s harmful UV rays which can cause diseases related to aging, cataract and macular degeneration. The chilly winter wind whips at your face and stings your eyes which may lead to dry eyes.

The layer of pristine white snow in winter reflects 85 % the sun’s UV rays which could potentially burn your eyes and cause snow blindness. UV-related vision problems are common in the winter season as the sunlight glares off of the top of cement creating a bright, blinding reflection.

Vista Eye Specialists remind you that sunglasses are not just accessories to help you look cool and modish. Picking out the right kind of sunglasses for winter is the most efficient way to protect your eyes from the harsh winter sun. Protective eyewear with anti-reflective, polarized lenses that block out 100% of UV radiation is advised by Dr. Binoy Jani’s team of ophthalmologists at Vista Eye Specialists, VA.

When you visit Vista Eye Specialists, VA, for your eye exam, our ophthalmologists or optometrists measure UV protection using an instrument called a spectrometer. For any queries related to your vision this winter and all the year round, make an appointment with Vista Eye Specialists, Culpeper and Fredericksburg by calling 888-393-5264.