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Sunday, 14 July 2013

One of the most frequently asked question from our experts at Vista Eye is “When should my child have his/her eye exam done?” and no doubt this is one of the most important question that a concerned parent in today’s time would ask, owing to the overexposure to various appliances with an eye blinding glare, of high definition and resolution theatres, television sets, Ipads and cell phones.

However here, we at Vista Eye would like to also elaborate on some of the misconceptions that parents hold regarding the eye exam of their children. First and foremost this should be remembered that the vision screening that is generally organized by schools is definitely not a complete comprehensive exam of your child’s eye and in no way determines the total health conditions of the eye. It only and solely depends on the results of the reading ability of the child of the eye chart from a certain specified distance. They certainly don’t take care of any visual challenges and development problem that the child may develop or is even developing. Hence it is important not to rely on visual screening only, and to get your child’s eye exam done as soon as any problem is detected, be it a day year old infant!

your child’s eye exam done as soon as any problem is detected, be it a day year old infant! Secondly, a child in no way is supposed to know their alphabet or be able to verbalize to undergo a comprehensive eye exam. At VistaEye we have a tirade of different options catering the design solely for the young toddlers and children.

Thirdly, often our children are unable to express their visual problems; hence it is advised by our Vista Eye experts to get your child’s eye tested once before the age of 4. A recent study indicates that 60% of the children that have been identified as having a learning disorder actually suffer from undetected visual conditions and have nothing to do with any impairment of the mind and ability.


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