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Friday, 7 February 2014

The genes which you possess not only determine your physical traits and skills but also cause inheritance of diseases or disorders.The most common vision problems among children and adults are genetically determined like strabismus (cross-eyes), amblyopia (lazy eye) and refraction errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism.

More than 60 percent of cases of blindness among infants are caused by inherited eye diseases such as congenital cataracts, congenital glaucoma, retinal degeneration, optic atrophy and eye malformations.

This is the reason why the team of professional ophthalmologists at Vista Eye Specialists always asks patients their medical and family history when they come for their regular eye checkups. The doctors at Vista Eye Specialists, VA also help patients draw your family tree and identify family members who may be affected with similar eye problems.

At Vista Eye, a comprehensive assessment of vision and eye movement, a slit-lamp examination for microscopic study of the eye, and an eye-pressure check is carried out. By using eye drops to dilate the pupils, the ophthalmologist can thoroughly examine the lens, optic nerve and retina for abnormalities.

Using information from the eye examination and the general medical history and examination, the ophthalmologists at Vista Eye Specialists, Culpeper and Frederiksberg determine an early diagnosis and treatment plan.

For an appointment call us at (888) 393-5264 or contact us through an online form.


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