Eye strain is a common complaint because of the kind of lifestyle we have in this day and age. Spending uninterrupted hours in front of the computer screen at work is what most jobs require today. Many people commute for hours regularly, their eyes, alert on the road before them. Children gaze at TV screens or computer games for hours at end. Reading into the wee hours of the night is a habit which puts many to sleep. But this routine of concentrated and extended use of the eyes day in and day out leads to symptoms of eye strain or asthenopia.
Even though asthenopia does not
result in damage to the eyes, yet it is uncomfortable. It can lead to headaches,
blurring of the vision, feelings of dryness, irritability, lack of
motivation, burning sensation, watery eyes, photophobia and pain which can make
going about your life and getting work done very difficult.
When strain is put on the eyes it incorporates tensing of the
muscles of their eyelids, face, temples, and jaws. Getting out of this strenuous routine
may be impossible but the expert ophthalmologists at Vista Eye Specialists suggest
ways to lessen your eye strain.
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