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Monday, 3 June 2013

An eye is beyond any doubt one of the most sensitive, treasured and important organ of the body. One just cannot afford a minute of ignorance to the problems which may generate to the eye. We at Vista Eye recommend and stress on timely comprehensive eye exam to ensure the health and safety of your eye.

Absolute vigilance is required in the matters of the eye and our experts at Vista Eye time and again stress on the need for an eye exam whether it be redness of the eye, an eye injury, irritation or the need of eye glasses. It could be any problem under the sky, Vista Eye shall cater and solve all your problems and answer your concerns any time of the day, month or year. A problem may initiate without even your own notice, which then may slowly turn into a major eye health risk later. Some eye concerns are genetic, or are simply affected by your health problems like diabetes, blood pressure etc.

The optometrist or ophthalmologist at Vista Eye carry out these eye examinations using a wide array of tests and procedures to ensure that you don’t have any visual problems or any diseases of the eye. Your medical history, your work habits and life style, your medications along with your family history are required by our medical practitioners to ensure every detail covered.

The medical tests however vary in their complexity ranging from the simple eye exam of a chart reader to the complex use of high powered lens to visualize the tiny structures inside the eyes. However comprehensive tests for the eye at Vista Eye given the need may include Retinoscopy, Refraction, Auto refraction, Cover test, Slit lamp exam, Glaucoma Intra Ocular Pressure measurement, Visual Field Test and Dilation. These tests are performed by our most experienced ophthalmologists at Vista Eye catering unanimously to all ocular concerns with care and precision.


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